Dec 18, 2022
15 stories
36 saves
SnapChat, Uber, Zoom, Agoda, e.t.c
Steps and Resources
What is Decorator in Python?
What is the difference between @staticmethod and the @classmethod?
What are the components of Spark?
How do you optimize spark jobs for optimum performance?
What are different keys in a table?
What is self in Python?
What do you know about spark architecture?
Spark VS Hadoop
What is index in DBMS?
SQL Question: SELECT employees who have the highest salary from each department
What is polymorphism and how do you implement it in Python?
Dynamic Polymorphism(Method Overriding)
Static Polymorphism(Method Overloading)
Programming question: Rotate list
What is the difference between GroupByKey and ReduceByKey
What is the difference in storing data on HDFS Vs S3?
What do you mean by CRUD in the database?
SQL Question: SELECT top 2 employees who have the highest salary from each department
What is a translator?
What are the different types of translators?
Why Python is called an interpreter language?
Write a method in Python to return Nth Fibonacci number
How does spark work internally?
What are the different kinds of Join in Spark?
OLTP-OLAP, Fact-Dimension, ER - Dimensional model, SCD, CDC , Surrogate Keys
Basic SQL for beginners. Intermediates can use it to revise